Never thought this weekend would end like this?😢😢

My husband wants a divorce. We've been together 22 years & married almost 14 years. We have 2 children. Our daughter is 18 & just graduated HighSchool on Sunday. Our son is 12 & will be in 7th grade next year. He's 42 & I'm 37. In December we found out we were pregnant again by blood test. I have to admit it, I really thought we were done. I already know how emotional abortion is. So I wasn't going through that ever again. But, he stated that he didn't want anymore kids. I feel like he always wants his way. But, I've supported him through everything he ever wanted to do in life & this how it works out for me for being a good wife & mother. He says that's how he feels & nothing is going to change it. I feel like I'm watching reality T.V. right now & this is not my life. I have no support system besides out of state but my job is here. I'm pregnant with his twin boys & he wants nothing to do with me. I know I'm strong but it's hard to shake this off. I've been off of work since February because of this pregnancy. And I've still pulled all my weight & some of his , as of nothing's changed. I don't even know how to feel right now. I'm numb. My weekend started great with my baby shower on Saturday & our baby girl graduating on Sunday. And then a big FU on Monday. I wish u could just turn love off. I've been with him since I was in High School. It feel miserable. I'm 31 weeks pregnant with our twins & he wanted me to get rid of them. I just feel sick.