My Story

TW: rape, sexual abuse, self harm
Hi group! My name is Katie, I'm 16. My freshman year I had a really strong, tight knit group of friends. One of them was a boy named Tony. Tony and I quickly became super close and spent a ton of time together. My friends all told me he had a crush on me but I just ignored it, I had a boyfriend and I wasn't interested in Tony at all. One night at a party he forced me to kiss him. He was very drunk and apologized later but it made me really angry. He tried to justify it by saying it was because he was in love with me and didn't know how to express it. I told him I was flattered but not interested but he would not let up. He began to follow me everywhere and make me very uncomfortable. He would call me in the middle of the night, crying and saying he would kill himself if he didn't have sex with me. Almost every. single. night. I would go to his house because I was afraid he'd hurt himself, but eventually he started locking me in his room and raping me. He said if I didn't he'd kill himself, my boyfriend, or me. I felt like I had to keep going back in order to protect myself and those around me. I got to a point where I couldn't handle it anymore. I told him I didn't care what he did and that it was going to stop. He called me the next day from the hospital. He had cut his wrists and told me it was all my fault. From there I completely cut him off and was silent about it for a year. I opened up to close friends later and even seeked legal help. I decided to not press charges as we are both minors, it would be almost impossible to prove, I couldn't emotionally handle it, and it wasn't necessary for me to heal. I am now in a healthy relationship and have had healthy sexual experiences and life has been good. Thank you for reading! Are your experiences similar?