1st peds appointment

Jessica • Im 26 and this will be my second pregnacy
So today we went to Ethans first doctors appointment and I was not impressed with the people. I mean it was 6 years ago but my first son never screamed that much when the doctor was checking him out, but all baby's are different so I understand that maybe Ethan just didn't like it. But the thing that really has me annoyed is I was told he has jaundice at the hospital not to bad being were were allowed to leave and he didn't need to be put under lights but I asked at the appointment multiple times about it and never really got an answer on how he's doing. I can tell his eyes are still yellow a little bit but he seem great other than that. Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do when looking for a new pediatrician because I'm not really from this area I live in now and I don't have any friend with kid's from here. Im in the Naples area anyone lives this way and had any suggestions. Thank you