I got to meet my rainbow baby May 26th! I was induced Thursday at 7:30am, given cytoctec every 4 hours starting at 12pm. My water broke while sitting in an exercise ball at 11:10pm. I had the worst contractions until I opted for an epidural. I was only about 4cm dilated. Next day went to 6cm dilated with pictocin and labor stalled. Had really bad rectal contractions and Dr was afraid the baby was too big to continue our vaginal birthing plan. We decided on C section for the safety of me and the baby. He was born 8lbs 13oz, 21 1/2 inches long! π³ My husband has the video and he says "Oh my god He's beautiful!" while the Dr says "this head wouldn't have made it through!". My little guy took to the breast minutes after meeting me and he is the sweetest, most perfect little guy I've ever met π I'm obsessed and I finally have my rainbow π