Short Term Disability Denied

Rant for sure: I have never been so frustrated in my life! I work 2 jobs at 25 hours a week and I was 7 1/2 months pregnant having complications. Both of my jobs are on my feet and I began to struggle with itchy skin and back pain at 5 mo. It progressively got worse, my back was getting on fire, my feet started to swell almost immediately upon standing pass 10 min and the itching is so uncomfortable I have to scratch all the time. Both of my jobs require me to lift and it's exhausting to do so. I went to a chiropractor for some relief and he agreed that I needed to be on rest because I was swollen and in pain. I did everything I was supposed to ppwrk and all and it took a month for Short Term to make a decision. They felt as if there wasn't enough information to approve disability and denied it after my chiropractor gave them the information about my condition. My Midwife was uncomfortable with writing a letter because technically they are not Dr's and my Accupuncturist has decided to write a letter on my behalf. I then told them I was going to appeal the decision but also asked what was going to happen after I have my baby? They kindly said because I was denied, I will not receive maternity leave and I get nothing. I am so frustrated at this point because I'm in so much pain my Dr says chill but financially it has put me in a stressful bind because I haven't been paid in a month because good ole Hartford has denied me