Anyone else not sleeping?!

I get 2 hours max per night since my girl was born 5 days ago. I'm surprised I'm even able to function... she has reflux so she chokes on her own spit randomly and I'm always afraid she will do this while we are asleep. Just ordered the Owlet to try and get some relief!
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Just had my baby girl last night. I'm lucky to get a solid hour


Lisa • Jun 1, 2017
First few days are hell. Once you get home hopefully you can get a few more zzz's!


Posted at
Every night is different with my baby... one night she would sleep for 3 hours straight, another night she'd wake up every hour either because she's uncomfortable with colic or hungry... she's 3 weeks old today... hopefully it gets better! And yes, unsure how I'm still functioning with so little sleep! 


Lisa • Jun 1, 2017
It must be some superpower us mom's get after giving birth lol one of many!


Posted at
I'm barely functioning! The day we brought my son home he had a spell where his breathing slowed and he turned blue. I've been a nervous wreck since. I constantly wake up to check on him and the slightest abnormality has me jumping. Women are literally super beings


Lisa • Jun 1, 2017
Yeah I am scared all the time tbh! I'm glad to hear your little one is ok but still hard not knowing what caused it. We are in the same boat-- our pediatrician said she may grow out of the choking and it's quite normal at this stage. I am breastfeeding.. we did have to supplement w/a bit of formula.


Erin • Jun 1, 2017
babies are scary! He was check by the paramedics that day and his doctor yesterday. heart and lungs are completely fine. I wish they could've told us what caused it, but so far we haven't had any others. I'd be terrified if he choked like that too. are you breast or bottle feeding?


Lisa • Jun 1, 2017
Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry you've been going thru that. With my daughter she chokes randomly and turns bright red and literally stops breathing until we smack her back a few times. Our pediatrician says she may grow out of it but now I'm just a nervous wreck about everything.


Posted at
My (almost) one month old just started some sleep regression. She was sleeping for four hour stretches and Sunday night she started waking up every 1 1/2-2 hours to eat again! Hoping it is just a growth spurt and we can get back to those nice four hour stretches. She started spitting up a little bit more around the same time the sleep started to regress. I saw a lady for Jin shin jyutsu (energy flows) throughout my pregnancy and now post partum and she showed me a flow to help with spit up. One hand on your baby's coccyx and the other on the inside of the foot and hold for a few minutes. Has seemed to really help with the spit up! Give it a try! 😊


Michelle • May 31, 2017
Yeah, it's amazing how obvious the growth spurts are...with feeding and growing!


Kristin • May 31, 2017
This sounds like a growth spurt. I think there is one between 3 and 4 weeks. I'm expecting ours to start any day now! 😳