possible pregnancy

Hi ladies, 
I'm needing some help with this one, here goes: the first day of my last period was April 1st.. found out I was pregnant on May 2nd though I had signs.. it was only medically confirmed on May 2nd. On May 7th I went to the ER because I had spotting and they confirmed a possible m/c. The bleeding got stronger as I was miscarrying. I bled for 5 to 7 days and the doc confirmed a complete m/c naturally. On the 19th , 20th, and 21st my husband and I had unprotected sex. On the 22nd I was sick to my stomach.. I even vomited twice that day. Since then I've been extra emotional and having abdominal cramping as well as lower backaches and tender breast not the nipples but on the sides as well as headaches.. I took a hpt and it came back (-)negative..could I be pregnant? Maybe I tested to early because I never had a period after the miscarriage??