Destress help :/

The middle of May I got my IUD taken out after it moving basically as soon as I got it put in. For the last 4 days I've been extremely nauseous and having kinda a bit of discomfort in like my lower region. When I got it put in that night i was having bad cramps and felt something inside me moved but doctors and people kept telling me nothing was wrong and it was my period and my imagination. when I ended up in the hospital because of severe bleeding they said my IUD had moved and they needed to take it out and it virtually never actually did anything. They took it out and the bleeding stopped almost immediately but I still wasn't having any cramps or period symptoms and I was pretty much fine. I've now started becoming really tired and ill these last few days n I don't have an appointment until the 7th. It's really stressing me out with the million and one reasons that could be wrong with me and I need help not making it worse. Anyone have any de-stressor ideas. The longer I'm like this the more it freaks me out the number of things could be happening or wrong.