7 month old sweating in sleep! Is it bad??

My 7 month old has slept in my bed since he was probably 2 months old. I have recently started putting a sheet over his legs but am super careful about blankets. Anyways, lately I've been noticing that he is SO sweaty while sleeping. I am a naturally hot and sweaty person (it runs in the family, literally me & my family's hands are ALWAYS sweaty). But no matter if he's sleeping in the bed at night or napping on my lap when he falls asleep nursing, his head is always so sweaty and hot and his back too. I first thought he just got the sweaty gene but googled it just out of curiousity & found that night sweats can be a sign of heart problems or a warning sign before a baby dies of SIDS! I'm freaking out now. As I type he's sleeping in my arms and super sweaty. He's in Pjs, loose shorts & a tshirt and we have the ac on. Should I be freaking out? I'm a pretty paranoid mom & am ready to call a 24 hour doctor!!