Have you ever given money or bought food for a homeless person? // Should you?

Annika • Witch🌜Gamer 🎮 Ravenclaw 💙
I'm curious because I get very mixed reactions from people 🤔 some people think it's awesome that I help them; and other people tell me that it's bad and I shouldn't do it... a surprisingly large number of people tell me that. 
Last week I was going to Starbucks before work, and there was a homeless couple on the other side of the shopping center. It's like 90 degrees F outside; so since I was already at Starbucks I got them both a small iced tea. And then my coworker asked me why I did that and said that I shouldn't give them anything... 
Last winter I bought a couple jackets to give out because I had seen homeless people sitting in the snow with just a T shirt, and it freaked me out. In the summer, I keep bottled water in my car specifically to give out. I'll give a couple dollars if I happen to have cash. 
Like I understand not giving money because you don't know if they will buy drugs or alcohol with it (I personally think that most of them won't - but I guess I don't know any actual statistics on that). But I don't understand why I shouldn't give them ANYHING??? 
What do you ladies think of the subject?

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