Any tips on how to regulate your cycles?

Tiffany • 28 | married | momma
Hey ladies,
I was hoping some of you would be able to give so advise on how to regulate my cycles. To give you a little history/summary on what's going on:
Not stressed out
Eat generally, healthy
Havent been on bc for a minimum of 8 years
No excessive work outs
TTC for 3 months now
No previous pregnancies
My cycles had always been generally 28-32 days, but ever since I travelled out of  he country, they have been out of control as follows (no miscarriages, was preventing until march of this year):
98 day cycle
44 day cycle
48 day cycle
28 day cycle
38 day cycle
So any tips or suggestions to help balance my ovulation? I'm trying to have a baby!!! :)