Joovy Balloon or Urbini Omni?

I plan to baby wear most of the time and skip the infant seat.

With that being said, I know the Urbini comes with an infant seat (it won't fit in our car with our two other carseats so I would give it to my sister who is also expecting or sell it if she doesn't want it). I need a stroller that accommodates newborns and offers parent facing mode (per husband request- he does not like babywearing) without costing an arm and a leg, which both of these strollers provide.

I've read counless good and bad reviews on both (many have said for the Balloon to make sure you contact customer service for replacement wheels as the original wheels not perform well, especially in parent facing mode. We plan to only use the stroller for first 6months+, so as long as it gets the job done is all I'm really worried about.

My husband leaves every morning for errands and will have all three kids ( two who walk, and the newborn) while I'm at work. Does anyone have experience with either one, and if you do, how do you like it? I'm leaning towards t Balloon more, bu my husband and myself are tall, so I'm not sure it would be a good fit.