8 week old baby schedule aka no schedule :(

I'm a FTM to a beautiful baby girl who's 8 weeks old. Problem is that I don't really have any schedule with her. She wakes up in the morning b/w 6 and 7 AM. I've potty trained her i.e. The elimination method. So if she's straining and trying to poop I take her to the bathroom. She has gas troubles so she strains quite a bit. We come back, I change her and feed her and she usually falls asleep at the breast. I burp her which usually wakes her up or if I don't get a burp I lie her down as is. If all is good she sleeps for around 2 hours. If not, she squirms so I try burping her again. If she wakes up while doing so she wants to feed again and wants to sleep at the breast :s (her fav way to fall asleep)
This sort of repeats throughout the day. Even if she's up she acts all hungry so I start feeding her. If she doesn't go to sleep she gets frustrated and keeps feeding wanting to sleep. Or cries out from wanting to suck but not wanting to feed. 
Anyways this is all fine in the day although quite hectic since she poops a lot and feeds a lot ~ every 2 hours
At night b/w 10 pm and 2 pm our witching hour starts. Either I have low supply or she doesn't wanna feed only suck but she cries and cries and is usually rocked to sleep 
What am I doing wrong? :(