Ugh so annoyed! 2ww blahs

Carrie • I am a Christian Wife and Homeschooling Mother of five children between the ages of 6 and 22 years.

Anyone else get totally annoyed during your 2 week wait? My <a href="">glow app</a> anticipated my period today... I updated that im late, and it switches all my dates. So now im crawling outta my skin bc it shifted fertile days and all I can think is Argh I missed the first two fertile days of baby dancing!

Honestly Im trying to excercize patience, I know in my heart that the Lords timing is perfect (if we are even meant for another baby) but good grief this 2 week wait can be all consuming!

The plus the time the 2 week wait ends with AF... Its time to baby dance again.

Lifting yall in prayer and asking God for lots of baby dust and sticky beans to go around!