I feel like it's impossible

I'm 37 weeks+5 days. At my 34 weeks US they estimated her to be 6 lbs 02 oz at that time.. so we're looking at a big baby! I am completely miserable. I have simpus pubis, which means my pelvic ligaments hurt constantly making it hard to walk, I can't breathe (which is normal), and every other thing possible. They are inducing me on the 12th but I'd much rather go on my own. The last 3 weeks I've been 30% effaced, 1 cm dilated, and I haven't dropped or lost my mucus plug. I have been having sex like crazy andnwirh my last pregnancy I walked miles each night but I am so swollen I am not able to with this one... is it even possible I will still go on my own before the induction... I know it can happen within hours or days, I mean realistically has anyone else been in this situation and they just happened to go early?!