
Okay so today I'm exactly 13dpo & af due in two days.. Usually around this time I would be very moody, crampy & don't want to be bothered due to Af.. My nipps would be very tender & or sore & bloated.. This time around it just feels so different I'm not moody I'm not crampy, not my nipps but my boobs feel very heavy & every once in awhile I'll feel sharp like pains shooting through them. My back had been hurting not bad but enough for me to notice that it hurts. I'm feeling bloated but usually I'll barely get the bloated symptoms of Af around this time of the cycle, but I've been feeling bloated for almost two week. I've been burping frequently, I looked it up & it's called indigestion & that's a pregnancy symptom I mean like a person would sneeze more than once at a time.. That's how many time I burp in row about 5x.. Yesterday I picked up a slight headache & it's still here a very mild one but I know that I have a headache.. It's currently day 26 in my cycle & 13dpo af due in two days... SHOULD I TEST?