Loving myself this month


I've been seeing a lot of posts and comments on here lately about makeup and the pressure society puts on women to wear it or else they'll be "ugly." As an avid makeup enthusiast, I've never consciously felt that pressure until just recently. Now, I've been noticing even in my own life the effects of that unreachable standard of beauty looming over every woman's head. 

Growing up, my mom was emotionally and verbally abusive to me. As a result, I was always a step down from what might be considered beautiful. I was always a few pounds too heavy, had a few too many scars, and even my personality was just shy of likeable. 

This month, I'm working on loving myself for who I am just how God made me. Every day in the month of June, I'm going makeup-less and celebrating what makes me naturally beautiful. I encourage everyone to do the same and love yourself this month and every month after just the way you are!