My birth story ( sorry so long)

So on May 24th I had a Dr appointment ( my Dr is an hour away from me) I had been having mild pains all day long. I sat in that Dr office 2 hours before it was my turn. When it was my turn I told her I lost my mucus plug 2 Days ago and my discharge was watery and I was having Pains on the bottom of my stomach. She checked me and said it wasn't amniotic fluid but mucus and I wasn't dilated at all! ( I was 37 weeks exactly) so she sent me home n said if I don't go into labor on my own this week we can talk about be induced. She also said the pressure I was feeling was my baby dropping and if it was contractions it would start at the top of my uterus and move to the bottom. Fast forward to that night. The pressure got so bad I could barely walk so I called the hospital and they told me to take Tylenol and if that doesn't work come out there. Since I live an hour away from the hospital I tried to wait as long as I could to see if the pain went away. I took the Tylenol, 2 baths but nothing worked... The pressure became unbearable, every 5 minutes for the Last 3 hours unbearable so I called my mom n we went to the hospital. The nurse checked my cervix and I was dilated and officially in early labor. I was shocked because I had just left my Dr lol. Anyway the admitted me and 3 hours later my water broke and they gave me an epidural. I took a nap and around 7:30 I shot up to 10 cm and it was time to push. I pushed for 30 mins and then my baby popped out but she was stuck! The head nurse screamed push don't stop and called every nurse to come in and hold my legs. When she finally came she was not crying but the wonderful nurse got her to cry and I was relieved that my baby was alive. My Dr came running in just in time to get the placenta out. My sweet baby was born on May 25th at 37 weeks and 1 day weighing 7 lbs and 13 oz.. Very healthy ( sorry so long )