Relationship problems - Please help!

Cass • Thirsty for adventure, knowledge, & tattoos. Want a tiny home & many animals. Determined & stubborn.

I don't know what to do. This year my boyfriend and I will have been together for 3 years. I will be 21 this year and he will be 23. I love him to death, I truly do. I just keep feeling like I'm with the right man at the wrong time in my life. I want to marry him one day and we have made plans to, but I am just getting to the age where I feel like I should be out having fun and not stressing about being in such a serious relationship. I often find myself picturing my life being single again, but it makes me nauseous and wicked stressed to think about him with someone else and me having to learn how to live and sleep alone again. I just don't know what to do and I'm stressing out! Someone please help! I just need some advice on what is normal and what is not and someone to talk to!