More babies?


So, I specifically wanted to ask other parents of multiples this, because nobody else will have quite the same experience raising children, even if they insist having multiple children close to the same age is the same as having multiples.

So here's the question; Am I crazy for wanting another child after having had triplets? Obviously I want to wait a couple years, and I was considering adoption, because that's always been something I want to do, and since I just had three girls I kind of want a boy, but everyone thinks I'm crazy for wanting another child. And those who don't think I'm crazy think I should adopt a kid that's the same age as the triplets, which seems pretty crazy to me, or they tell me I'm selfish for wanting to adopt a baby rather than an older child because older children get adopted less than babies, but when I tell them I'm also considering adopting or fostering teenagers so I can try to give them a safe place to be for the last little while before they're adults they warn me away from that because they say most of the teens still in the foster care system by that age are too troubled to home. I swear people want to argue anything I say.