PCOS possibility with regular periods... Just found out today...

Jenna • Nerd. Metalhead. Mom of 4 fur babies 🖤 ...and first time pregnant! ✌ Eff you, PCOS! 🤘

I know that it us common to not become pregnant right away when first ttc. I also kbow that peopke generally wait at least 6-12 months to consider infertility. Inspite of this knowledge, i decided to talk to my doctor after only our 3rd month trying. Im glad I decided to listen to my gut because when I went to the doctors today and found out I'm at extremely high risk for PCOS.

The most interesting part of this potential diagnosis is that I still get regular periods every month. I found out it isn't very common, as irregular periods is usually the first sign of PCOS, but turns out it is possible for this to happen.

Still getting monthly periods with PCOS is crazy, right!? Lucky me... But don't worry, I still have pretty much every other common symptom... including the possibility of infertility... The sadness I'm feeling can't even be put into words... I knew something just wasn't quite right, but I'm am trying to take pride in the fact that I didn't ignore what I felt my own body was telling me.

My doctor was kind and understanding. She reffered me to an ObGyn that specializes in PCOS for an official diagnose so we can hopefully start treatment right away.

I was told to not lose hope by my doctor and my wonderfully supportive husband. Pregnancy can still happen, but it will be a challenge.

Still this news is just crushing...

No one ever tells you how hard it can actually be to get pregnant... I never thought I would be someone that would struggle with fertility.. or even for the potential to be inferile...

Reality hit me hard today... Now Im here and I'm feeling lost and heartbroken...