My pregnancy.. Relationship.. Life.. Words of encouragement pls?

I have a bicornuate uterus and history of high blood pressure. My doctor said it would take years or fertility aid to even get pregnant. I just started a new relationship at the time, maybe 4 months together, he was in the middle of a divorce and had 2 kids in that marriage but he wanted to try getting pregnant too so we did. Miraculously, it didn't take years, it took a couple of months. I always saw my pregnancy as a miracle. He did the beginning.
When we first went to my first ultrasound, we were both really happy. I loved being pregnant. But he started changing, he started not appreciating it as much as I did. He missed his kids..and he took it out on me. He started getting frustrated. He never hurt me physically, but it was a lot of emotional and psychological abuse. Then child support hit his paycheck and he started being more angry. I stayed with him because I was already pregnant, but I knew what relationship I was in. I stayed by his side, until he kicked me out of our apartment when I was 5 months pregnant, right before Christmas, and moved his wife back use her for money. As sick as that was, I stayed with him because it's what he wanted. I was his pregnant mistress.
We stayed together. But the emotional abuse kept going. He was frustrated at life and took it out on me. With my high blood pressure, I developed preeclampsia. I gave birth at 36m4d, emergency c section. We just recently broke up, and he officially went back to his wife. Now he's fighting me for custody. Custody battles are dirty. It's emotionally draining. Now I feel my PPD is back. I just want to enjoy motherhood and my beautiful daughter.