my twins that turned from 2 to only 1 😔

Frenchii • Live your life and be free

This was my last appointment at 9 weeks going back for my next appointment on the 9th of june😍 my peanut 🥜 is doing great... hay babe mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you👶🏾daddy hopes your a girl💕 but mommy has a feeling your a boy 💙...  (

was supposed to be twins but one of my peanuts didn't make it. I think about it everyday and try to turn something bad into a joke so I don't stress myself out (yea how can u turn something like that into a joke 😭don't worry I have a lot of sense of humor) but everything happens for a reason and this was something that I had no control over. Thank god everyday for my surviving twin who I can't wait to meet 🤦🏾‍♀️ December 20th hurry up and come I'm ready already 😭🤰🏾