Is he just not that into me??

Okay so I need some advice!!!

My boyfriend and I are together 5 yrs. We are both students and live at home. My parents were away for a week so naturally I had my boyfriend stay with me. So the first night was grand we had sex what not.

Second night he didn't feel up to it.

Third night I had to ask him if he want to have sex, so he decided to just roll over and lie on top of me and expect it to just happen with zero effort. So I just told him I was feeling claustrophobic because he was just lying there.

Fourth night, we started having sex and it was super boring. He like just went straight into, not much foreplay so I wasn't even wet. And I had to tell him to stop, because it just didn't feel good and it felt like he was just doing it for the sake of doing it.

And yesterday was our five year anniversary and I hinted a lot at him about having sex and was even completely naked and kissing him and he was giving me nothing. He was doing kissing me back with his hands at his sides.

So I am wondering what should I do??

I have talked to him and told him how he was making me feel bad about myself because he doesn't seem interested at all. Like the last few times we did have sex I was the one initiating it.

And here is the worst part; the minute I asked him what's up and told him I felt, he started sulking like a child. So sex was completely off the table.....

Like uggh

What do I do??? I just feel like being a child back and ignore him until he realise he's an idiot?