
So, I've been seeing someone for about 4 months. We've been sleeping together almost the whole time. 
We don't just sleep together. We meet for lunch, cook dinner together, go to sports games, play video games, or I'll read and he'll play video games, watch shows, etc. 
The other day, he said something along the lines of "I enjoy your company because you're comfortable". 
Is this bad thing? Does this mean he doesn't see me as anything but something that's comfortable? I don't know. Like no relationship?
I want to date but we are taking things slow. We have spent the past month and a half together every night. I'm just not sure what to think about the "comfortable" thing. We don't always talk a lot, we just enjoy each other's company. He makes me feel comfortable too I just don't know if that was a friend zoning thing? What do you think?