So I'm going to give a scenario and I need your opinion

So you have two people, we'll call them Dan and Baily. So Baily is just working as normal when Dan approaches and asks Baily a strange question, but Baily answers the best she can and goes about her business. Then Dan compliments Baily and gets really touchy. Then asks if she's been with his race before, she answers honestly. Then he tells her he wants her and has for a long ting. She asks him to stop. He keeps trying and she keeps saying no. Then he says "come upstairs I've gotta show you something". Baily says "no, I know what's going to happen if I do." Dan promises nothing will happen. Baily is scared and doesn't know what to do. Baily has bad anxiety, she has for years. There are people in the room next door.. she's unsure but she follows him. When she reaches the top of the stairs he grabs her and pulls her into the dark corner, caresses her, turns her around and well you know but not all the way. He only stuck it in halfway and did like two strokes, then stopped and said "now that's how torture a girl" and went to the other side of the room. She pulled up her shorts and went back to work. 
A few weeks later Dan finds Baily alone upstairs. He walks over and picks her up. Baily says to stop, that it's weird. Dan says "but we already fucked once". And all she could manage to respond was "but it's strange and doesn't feel right". Then he put her down and left. 
Should Dan understand Baily didn't want it or did she not make it clear?
Should Baily tell someone else..