really hoping I am pregnant!! what were yall's experiences with a missed period & spotting ?

Hi ! So I am REALLY hoping & praying that I am pregnant!! My fiancé was rubbing my belly last night like I am already pregnant lol (which I hope I am)! I have missed my period for 5 days now! First two days, I had no spotting at all! Third day, I had some brown discharge on & off throughout the day! 4th day, I had more brown discharge & later that night some light pink discharge but just a little bit! Today, I wore a panty liner bc the brown discharge will mess up my panties! When I wipe, theres brown discharge & today I wiped & there was some reddish blood but not bright red blood or dark red either! & now I don't see anymore blood, it's brown again & not a lot & not thick! My periods are always regular& on time! I have never missed a period & when I spot before my period, it's light blood & then my period flows! This time it's different & I tend to always get cramps a day or two before my period & ive been cramping for days but not like menstrual cramps! They're milder than period cramps! So I'm really really hoping I'm pregnant! I know God knows what's best ! & im reallyyyy hoping not to see a negative test but if I do, Ik that's what God intended for right now! So what y'all think? I did a poll earlier & posted pics of the discharge but everyone thought my AF was coming but I really think this isn't AF! Bc the spotting has lightened up & when I wipe, it's not as much! & when I'm about to get my AF, it doesn't tend to get lighter like this!