Defiance of Trump's decision to back out of the Paris Climate Agreement.


A few cities here in the US, as well as outside the US have taken to showing their disapproval of Trump's decision to pull out of the agreement. They have changed their lights to green. Buildings in New York, Boston, Washington D.C., and Mexico City have them. New York is doing the most with having the WTC, City Hall, and their state fair grounds entrance lit up green

Another act of defiance, separate of this is my hometown has decided to continue with the agreement despite Trump's decision. They're making changes to the city because they recognize that this impacts us, too. Arizona cannot take an increase in heat. People already die, streets crack, accidents go up, and it impacts business and creates more power outages because of the heat. They're doing what they can. I have included photos of the goal for the Paris Agreement, the buildings and a photo of the article about Phoenix so you guys can go check it out.

How do you feel about the defiance/support of defiance being show by states/cities/countries? I know some people think we should support Trump, but do you support this?

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