nursing to much? constantly over full???

MamaBear🐻🌼 • 26, Mom of two-proud Navy Wife & SAHM
My sons almost 5 months.. and I know they say you can't overfeed a bf baby and I'm all for comfort nursing..
But here's the thing my son will only sleep with me for naps and at night and never has he ever had a "feeding schedule"
He's always been super squirmy and wakeful and gassy at night and he nurses absolutely ALL night to stay asleep and I truly believe if he didn't constantly fill himself up he would be more comfortable!!! I can tell he's always over full... he latches on and off like he wants it but is uncomfortable... a lot!!! He'll have just nursed for an hour, (so I can get him to sleep). and I'll get in bed and he relatches to stay asleep 🙄 and then my let down happens and he just drinks and drinks becuase he's asleep and it fills him up to much. This happens all night!!! My letdown is sensitive... anyone else have a baby like this? I'm all about comfort and all that but I'm dying to separate "sleep" from "food" and get him not only sleeping better but eating more spread out during the day.. I'm sleep training at 6 months and dreading it becuase he's so used to me 😞 but I can't go on like this!