PPD and Meds?

I've struggled with depressions for years secretly, mostly bc growing up my family didn't acknowledge it as serious and just preteen and teenage hormones. I've had my highs and lows but since I had my son, it's been a lot more of the lows. My son's ped gave me a test to take and I tested high on the scale for ppd and she suggested I got to my obgyn or the health dept and get a script for meds. The thing is, I'm wary of meds bc I've heard they can mess you up and I've known people who it's changed their personalities drastically.

Is there an alternative to the meds? I've tried the more walks outside in the sunlight, and exercise and its not helped. I'm pretty much alone with my son all day as my husband works late, and sometimes on the weekend we'll go to our friends' place and hang out which helps some, but just makes the time after when I'm alone so much harder. Most of my friends have moved away, one left the country bc her husband got stationed elsewhere and the other is in school and gone for the summer so I don't have friends really to go out with. My anxiety makes it very hard to make new friends and to go out on my own.

Is getting the meds my only other option? I know I could stop taking them if it's too bad but I'm scared...