Omg I just found this group!

🍕 • Sadgirl.
I'm so happy! As a woman who has been large my entire life (I was a "sturdy" child XD at five I stood with my head at breast height of my mom. She was 5'7), it's so refreshing to see other women (and possibly transmen, idk the population here yet) who are embracing themselves instead of feeling society's shame. 
I decided a while ago, that instead of hating my body, and aspiring to be something I will never be, I'm just going to start exercising and eating healthy, and not care about my weight. 
It makes me so mad that so many women are miserable their entire lives, struggling to obtain a body type that is non-existant. Photoshopped models warp our minds and it's so sad. (And I say this as someone who uses Photoshop quite a bit.)
Please, be happy. This is your only life. ♥️