I already love this baby so much

Kristin • 6/6/17👼🏻 8/15/18 👼🏻 5/28/20 👼🏻 7/18/20 👼🏻 🌈 Rainbow Born on 6-4-22
I am pregnant with my first child and I literally found out two days ago...this may seem like a weird question...but is it normal to already have this overall feeling of so much love for the baby that is developing inside me? I have known women who have hard time bonding so I am just wondering if It's just because I want this so much or can I already love this baby so much that it makes me want to cry...and I'm not saying that women who had s hard time bonding didn't love them...it just seems crazy how it happens overnight the way I feel lol I know this post sounds super weird...new Mom here!!