
Brenda • Mother of a 9 year old baby boy and hoping to make my family grow soon
Last November I had my daughter she passed 18 days of her birth with trisomy 13 now I'm pregnant again with a baby girl three months after her death. All my friends asked me if I ever had a daughter what would I named her and as my friends I told them. Now one of my best friends it's having a girl and she wanted to name her the same name I had mention I wanted to name my daughter (in that time my words were "If I ever have a girl I'll name her do to  her sister") she haven't told everyone or make it public in any socia media i got so mad so as soon as I find out I was having a girl I made it public. Now I feel like she is mad at me but why would she the one who should be mad it's me. Sorry I just need some opinions am I been bogus?