New to glow and ttc!

Julia • Loving life ❤️ Obsessed and blessed with my beautiful family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Dedicated to helping and working with special needs families ! Behavior therapy is my passion . Stay positive and live your truth 😃
I have had glow for a few months just to track periods but just really started using it and following the groups . I Love it!!! Not going to lie , I am a little nervous to post because I have seen some pretty mean negative responses but am optimistic and very grateful for an app like this and being able to correspond and meet women from all over :) 
With that being said ..... I need to vent . My husband and I recently decided to let nature do its thing . I was having horrible side effects to my bc so the conversation came up to just be natural . I have been so excited about the idea of an addition to our family . I have two from an ex that are 12 and 10 and would love to have a child with my husband . He says let's just be natural and not try too hard or talk about it bc it will only make things stressful but I cannot help it. He's afraid it will take the fun out of it and wants it to be a " special time." I always thought of myself as an extremely fertile woman . With my 12 year old I became pregnant the first time my ex did not use protection and with my second the month I skipped bc. Both completely unplanned but such beautiful surprises .Now that I am trying to time it ... nothing . This is my third month without bc and still not pregnant . I know that's not long to ttc but I can't help but be so discouraged 😒
Sorry for the rant and I wish all of you the very best luck . Thanks for letting me vent.