Baby wakes up screaming when I put her back down at night

Recently when I put my daughter back in her bassinet after a night feeding, she screams and screams and never calms down unless I eventually pick her back up. Sometimes I try so many times and for so long that I'm too exhausted to keep trying and I just sleep with her, which I know only makes the situation worse. But I really don't know what to do. Last night I put her back after I nursed her and even though she was asleep she popped awake screaming for me to pick her back up. After a few attempts she ended up falling asleep in her bassinet but with my boob in her mouth 🙄 I feel like I'm really doing everything wrong when it comes to her sleep and I could really use advice. I can't just let her cry and cry. I know that works for some people but it doesn't feel right to me and she gets so worked up sometimes that it seems unhealthy. She's really dependent on me to fall asleep and never does by herself unless she's in her stroller or in the car. Any advice? I also want to transition her to her crib soon. Oh and she's still up 3 times a night usually 😫
Also she won't take a pacifier or a bottle