How do you stay positive ?

Hello ladies. Just curious how everyone stays positive while ttc. I'm 30, newly married, my husband is 39 and I have an 8 yr old step daughter . All I've ever wanted is to be a mom but have always worried I have fertility issues or would struggle to get pregnant. We have been trying for about 6 months and no luck yet. Although discouraging before , now that the wedding is over and my best friend is pregnant, I'm finding it harder to stay positive . My period is due this Friday and I keep trying to be positive and say this might be the month, but I have no early symptoms and also don't want to her excited. I just started using OPK this month and caught the end of my spike. I'm naturally an over thinker and have I suffered from depression on and off for a couple of years although and ping good right now. Just wondering how everyone else stays focused and calm? Thanks :) Baby dust to allÂ