13 DPO, 2 days til Test Day

Madonna • 41 MFI/PCOS, ER Nurse, Married, Mom to 1 boy, Pregnant with boy #2, both IVF miracles

Hello ladies! I'm Madonna! I'm 37, first round of Femera after 6 round of Clomid and we did our first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on the 24th. We triggered on the 22nd. We had 2 good follicles on 5mg of Femera.

My symptoms so far: I'm bloated and swollen, my feet/ankles, my boobs and my belly. Speaking of boobs, ouch! They are seriously tender and heavy, today they look weird too. I'm exhausted and hungry! I have been having headaches too. Yesterday my gums and teeth became sensitive, which isn't normal for me.

I haven't tested since my <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, now that I'm 2 days away I'm just going to try to wait.... try is the key word there. I go for blood work on Thursday. Last week I was really excited and positive, this week I'm nervous and kinda scared.