please send prayers, good vibes or whatever you believe in XO

I feel so down today.  I have a perfectly healthy 20 month old daughter who I live my life for.  The past two months my amazing husband and I have been trying for a second precious baby to smother with love.  We experienced our first Miscarriage in April at only 6.5 weeks and now this past Sunday our first chemical.  I have been consumed with this process, waiting and waiting for weeks (5-7) for ovulation to come.  Get excited for vvvfl, to faint lines, to for sure positives then the infamous digital. To now feeling like something is missing.  A hole in my family.  I can't help but feel like something is wrong with me?  Why isn't this working right?  What can I be doing differently?  Is this really just shit luck?  Really??? 
Any advise, comments or just simple prayers anything would be appreciated on this lost morning while it is pouring outside.  