Clomid and specialist question


Hello all, I will be 36 this month and dh is 34. We're ttc #1 and I have pcos. We have just gone through 3 rounds of 50mg clomid. My obgyn wants to bump it up to 100 next round. Dh has not been tested at all and we're thinking about going to a reproductive endocrinologist instead of going through more clomid in case there is something wrong on his end too. Thoughts? Do we try one more month or just go ahead with the specialist​?

We have been trying off and on for two years. I say off and on because there have been several life events happen like moves to new states, loss of jobs and loved ones. I know some of you have gone through so much more and I'd appreciate advice. None of my friends really have had these kinds of issues and I can't really talk with them.