Hacktivism - justice or just another (cyber) crime?

Lilael • 23 | Sociology Graduate | Leo
(Trigger Warning for various crimes such as sexual assault.)
Hacktivism is the act of hacking, or breaking into a computer system, for a politically or socially motivated purpose. 
For example, the hacking of the of a website affiliated with a Steubenville, Ohio school's football team to expose the gang rape of a 16 year old girl who was raped, peed on, dragged from party locations, and video recorded/photographed. *
People who participate in this 'cyber crime' to expose such injustices can face years in jail and possible fines reaching $250,000 dollars. 
Another example would be taking down over 40 child pornograpy websites.
📝 Do you think hacktivism to bring justice or shed light on injustices is okay? 
📝 Is it just another crime, where two wrongs don't make a right?
📝 If so, is the possible hacking/spying by your country's government on its enemies and allies any better or worse? 
*A hacker in the Steubenville case could've gotten a maximum sentence of 10 years and $250,000 in fines. The two convicted rapists received 1-2 years in  prison.

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