TTC buddies

Hi all! My husband and I have been TTC for 7 months now (just found out we will be trying again ...) maybe 8th month will be a charm?  
Anyway, we are pretty private about it, but the two women I have been talking to about the experience have been giving me the "when it's meant to be it will be" and "stop trying and you'll get pregnant".   
#1- blanket statements aren't comforting. 
#2 - we don't see the natural process as "trying"- we don't feel the pressure or obsession that some people do when it comes to ovulation and testing and timing - we do keep track on the APP and spend some extra alone time during the ovulation week but we truly are relaxed and just doing what's natural. 
We are starting to feel like outcasts in our journey. No one seems to get us or what we are going through.  Everyone we know has gotten pregnant on their first tries - yet here we are 7 months in with nada.  
Just looking for encouragement. 