help a girl out!!

I know none of us here are doctors! Well most of us.. but I need some help and some advice. So I got my period at age 13 and it was regular for about a year, then my freshman year of high school I was really stressed out and going through a lot. Including losing my virginity, and I do not need the lecture so leave me alone. If I could take it back I would. And my period became very irregular and I would get really bad cramps. My mom also wanted to put me on birth control because of my pms and just to be safe. So I went on depo in march freshman year (I am now a junior) so I believe it was 2015. On depo I got excruciating back pains and really bad pain where my ovaries are. I would also spot for 2 weeks and get very tired and it just was not a good situation. I was taken off of it in June of 2016 and put onto the pill. I became sexually active in April of 2016 with my current boyfriend of almost a year and a half :) (I am head over heels for him). All was well on the pill until my last period. I was getting my prom dress altered and fainted and then slept for 12 hours straight after that. I had excrutiating cramps, horrible back and neck pain and a very heavy flow. That period ended and then today I started my new one. Two days ago I was very exhausted and slept for another 12 hours which is not like me at all. My pms was also really bad and my mood didn't lighten up until today. I have been miserable for 5 days. Should I go back on depo or something else? I am still sexually active and would like to be on bc. Any suggestions on what could cause this?? I am 17, bday is May 15. And my boyfriend and I have sex at least once a week.