Waxing Questions???

Megan • "The world is a book and those who do not travel only read a page." - St. Augustine
Hey girls, so up to this point I've only been shaving myself.  I've been shaving since I was 13 (I'm now almost 20) but because I'm blinder than an eyeless bat due to multiple eye problems and some bad genetics, every single time I shave (1-2 times per week) I nick myself in either my armpits, legs (most often) or vag.  I can count 3 showers in my 7 years of shaving where I haven't nicked myself.  I also constantly have patches and streaks of hair because I miss them, and honestly, the nicking and patches are getting really old.   I've been wanting to try waxing, but since I'm a broke college girl, I don't have the money for a waxing center.  I've been thinking about getting one of those wax at home kits and am looking for suggestions.  I'm also wondering is it okay/safe to wax the bush??  I naturally discharge a lot (already talked to a doc, she said it's completely normal) and so I shave down there so that I don't stink as bad.  Also what is a Brazilian wax???  Thanks for the help!!!