I had IUD installed last year, I was clean on STD and everything went well with my bf till we broke up few months later. After that I met someone, I was tested with positive result of chlamydia. I suspected I got it from this guy. Anyways, I took antibiotics and didn't see this guy anymore, also didnt have sex for months till I did Pap and STD test again in Dec. I got negative on Chlamydia but I had positive on HPV. Dr. commented that sometimes HPV may go away itself, so I didn't take any further action on it. After that, I got back with my bf and he also showed me negative STD result before we had sex again. The odd thing happened, he got discharge few times after having sex with me. There's one time he tested negative result, Dr gave him some antibiotics anyway since he had no idea what's the cause. And there was another time, my bf got positive on chlamydia. I asked Dr if this is something to do with IUD that it could possibly keep bacteria in me. Dr told me that's not the case, and she didn't think HPV could affect anything on guys. My bf and myself both took medicine for chlamydia and everything seemed back to normal, till few days ago, he told me he had discharge again. I am so frustrated and I don't know what to do. I am not cheating but I don't know what else I could do to get STD out of my body.
Anyone experienced something similar? Is IUD the problem? Should I remove it?