Just Some Tips

Rant time
Take a sex ed class!!!
If you had penis in vagina sex you can get pregnant. Precum does have sperm in it!
Use a condom! Skyn by lifestyle is super thin and feels like nothing. 
There are magical things called pregnancy tests. However, don't pee on it just because you haven't gotten your period the exact date <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> predicted. Wait! If you completely miss your period then take it. Otherwise you will be wasting money. 
If you have birth control questions fucking listen to your doctor and ask questions when they prescribed it!
Get STD/STI checked with every new partner! I don't care if they say they are clean many STDs show no symptoms. There are many free std testing clinics
If your excuse is no health insurance try getting on your parents, if you are young. If you are older try signing up for low income insurance or talk to your company about benefits. 
Consent is key! You cannot give consent to have sex if you are drunk/high, passed out or asleep! Know what rape is and stand up against it!
Final note you do not have to post a question on here that could have been answered by google
Get educated!