Contractions and an hour from the hospital

I've already called my doctors after hours number now just waiting on a call back.... I have been having contractions since early this morning starting at 2 am and I'm still having them. I've been timing them and for 2 and a half hours they would be about 6 minutes apart and last for 1.5 minutes. They would then slow down but pick back up about 2-3 hours later lasting the same amount of time. My baby has dropped and I was 1.5cm and 50% effaced at my 36 weeks appointment and I am now 37 weeks. I have also been experiencing a lot of back pain and intense pelvic pressure along with the contractions. I called my doctor an hour ago and I still haven't heard back. I'm in tears as I'm typing this. This is my second pregnancy but my first I don't recall it being this bad. Should I go to the hospital or wait for my doctor to call me back? Beings I live an hour from the hospital I'm scared of making a wasted trip....