Que? Frozen peas on boobs as I type


So I'm just 2 days or so out of my peak ovulation period and my breast hurt sooooo bad! ( not the nipple, but both entire breast- a -sis feel like over filled water balloons) They started to hurt about 4 days into ovulation My menstrual isn't due for 2 weeks ( just shy of 2 weeks) from now. Is this something I should be concerned with? Not to mention I've had to take B12 just to get through the day.

It probably too early to test for pregnancy. Could this be a hormone thing?

P.s. and the cotton mouth at night is unreal!!!! My mouth and throat are helllllllllllllllllla dry right after i fall asleep, which makes me wake up from my sleep drink several glasses of H2O which then shortly after I fall asleep then have to wake back up to pee! Then go back to sleep to have dry mouth again and so the cycle continues!!!!