
How long does contractions takes place?
I just hit 39 weeks today, Last friday i had aome
spotting-tiny dots. 
Thursday, mild abdominal pain- cramp menstrual like you're gonna have your period feeling. 
Yesterday (friday) morning around 6am vommited something yellowish- i guess it was an acid. went to see the doctor, still closed. Went home around 3pm, ate cherries. Pain stared, like Dysmenorrhea - bad case of menstrual cramps i should know i suffer from this everytime. It was a mild dysmenorrhea, coz i was able to move around. usually, gas pass, number 2 and number 1  or just sit will really hurt like it feels like everything is dropping-intestines organs that makes you hold on to the bars really tight. I was still able walk a mile yesterday, it was difficult but i did. Still the pain was there atleast the wave/frequence is about every 10 mins. pain would be rating atleast 6 -bearable. I wouldnt say it was BH coz this is painful than that. but its something else. it was the entire day, I was planning to go to the hospital as i read that some can be in labour without bloody show or water breakage. But i hesitated, i didnt want to be sent home, but ive also read that sometimes you can be from a closed phase to dilating to 5-6cm im really confused. At this point, i dont know what to do, i still have pain(minimal i think, coz im writing this) discharges from really creamy to it seems becoming clear. 
When should i go? what should i feel? what do i do?
Thanks in advance