Weird question about miscarriage

Ok I have a weird question, I broke thru bled Monday then stopped but I went to hospital anyways bc this was my first pregnancy and I was 5 wks 3 days, well I didn't bleed but a few mins and the Dr told me I miscarried. I went to my Dr next day and they took blood, I was still pregnant but had to come back next day to talk to my Dr. My levels hadn't risen the fell half a point. Thing is I know I miscarried bc I took 2 tests yesterday and they both was negative and I cramped on and off all day and spotted thru out the day, my question is at 5 wks loss how long does it take your body to pass it? Does it cause alot of bleeding and pain? And is there anything else I can do to speed up the process bc as devastated as I am at losing my baby I'm not willing to give up. I've been trying for 7 yrs and finally made it to 5 wks, maybe this time if I get pregnant knowing what he knows now maybe he can help prevent another miscarriage. Any tips? Thanks