My labor and delivery story


To start off I am 5ft tall and pre pregnancy weighed about 110lbs. My whole pregnancy ran smoothly but was told that if I go to full term that I would be having a 9lb baby and i did not have gestational diabetes. I was set to be induced Tuesday June 6th but ended up going into labor Friday June 2nd. I woke up to contractions at 3:30am and they were so close together already that I was admitted to the hospital by 4:30am. By the time I got my epidural I was 6cm at 10:30am. By 1:30 I stopped progressing even with help from pitocin and I was in intense pain and it was decided it was time for a c section. During the preparation they discovered my epidural had completely fell out which is why I was in so much pain so they ended up doing a spinal block. My doctor realized the cord was wrapped around his neck twice. At 2:42pm my amazing little boy was born weight 7lb 1 oz and 20in long

Saturday night he ended up going to the NICU with low oxygen levels due to trouble transitioning and was released on Wednesday June 7th